The South African Scout Association caters for youth and young adults from the ages of 7 through 30. It is split into three sections, Cubs, Scouts, and Rovers, with each section serving a different age group, and concentrating on different areas of personal development. It is also one of the largest youth organisations in the rural parts of South Africa and performs many community upliftment programmes in those areas.

The Graaff-Reinet Scout Troop was established in 1910 and continues to serve the Graaff-Reinet community and its young men with distinction under the guidance of Mr Bruce Maree. Scouts offer boys of Union High and beyond an organisation based on a solid foundation of clean living, honest work, unselfish citizenship and reverence for God. In all 108 years the Troop has only had a total of 14 Scout Leaders, probably one of the reasons for its stability in our society.

The Graaff-Reinet Scout Troop has presented 3 King Scout Badges, 5 Queen Scout Badges and since 1961, 74 Springbok Scout Badges.

Martin du Bruyn, regional commissioner of Scouting in Cape Midlands , Cameron Muir, Springbok Scout, Mr Bruce Maree, Chief Scout and Union High Headmaster, Mr Pringle.

The Graaff-Reinet Troop is recognised throughout South Africa for its calibre of Scouts that go out into the world. Many of our Scouts have attended the Patrol Leadership Courses held around South Africa and most of them have been invited back as staff on follow-up courses. Our Troop has had representation of Scouts at most of the International World Jamborees held every four years in some part of the world.

The Scout Troop meets on a Thursday evening from 18:30 – 20:30 at the Chookie Geard Scout Hall