No Visitors Allowed On Campus

Please note:
For the time being, visitors, parents and vendors are not allowed to enter the Union High School campus unless the nature of their visit is essential.  In such a scenario, they will need to make an appointment (049 891 0262) and state the nature of their business.  When reporting to reception, visitors will need to sign a register, wear a face mask and sanitise their hands.
– All rules and regulations applicable to the school also apply to its hostels.

Return To School

Dear parents and learners

Union High School is very excited to welcome our learners back to school, starting with the Grade 7s and 12s!

We have made a short video, for demonstration purposes only, to show learners what they can expect on their first day back at school. Parents, please watch this video with your children to show them the procedures they will be facing.

To all Grade 7s and 12s, your educators are waiting excitedly for your return.

Please note that on an actual school day, the learners will be assisted by our full complement of staff and will have distance markers and posters to guide them safely throughout the course of the day.

As part of the preparations for the return of the Grade 12s and 7s, the Union campus is being marked with little feet which will assist in directing foot traffic once school reopens.

These markings (of which many will still be added in the next few days before school commences) will serve as visual aids for learners when they have to line up and will assist with the effective implementation of social distancing at the school.

As these “feet” take shape and start to line our pathways and hallways, we can’t help but long for the return or our learners and the accompanying chatter, laughter and constant busy-ness to bring our campus back to life.

Reopening Of Schools

In line with the Department of Basic Education’s newest directives, following Minister Angie Motshekga’s briefing this morning, Union High School has no choice but to postpone the date on which our Grade 7 and Grade 12 learners have to report back to school, to Monday, 8 June.
In spite of Union’s preparations, and the enormous effort put in by teachers and non-teaching staff alike to ensure readiness for 1 June, the school has to adhere to the instructions issued by the DBE.
Union High School would like to assure our parents that we are overwhelmingly ready to receive your children and look forward to doing so on 8 June.
Please note that, in the interim, online support will continue as per usual for all grades.
Union High School’s management, teachers and non-teaching staff will use the remainder of the week to continue readying our facility for the arrival of learners while carrying on with COVID-19 related orientation and training.