The eight Union High School chess players participating in the 2020 edition of the SA Junior Chess Championships (SAJCC) in Johannesburg thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
James Rose-Innes, Tracy Petitt, Mihan Campbell, Wade Edwards, Cassidy Goliad, Na’eem Mahomed, Neelon Fourie and Camran Swartz pitted their skills against avid chess players from all over South Africa from 4 -12 January.
While there, they have also been fortunate to experience a record-breaking simultaneous chess exhibition by Super Grandmaster Levon Aronian, one of the top chess players in the world.
Union extends its sincere thanks to all the officials who offered up a week of their time to accompany the team to Johannesburg, especially to Mr Trevor Zali, for driving the bus, Mr CJ Koopman, who served as the team’s coach and to Liano Naidoo, the team’s assistant coach/manager.