Eco-Wise Day

Thursday, 14 April was Eco-wise day at Union and each grade spent time engaged in activities based on the theme of conservation of water and recycling. Our campus was abuzz with children filling up recycled bottles with rainwater for those in need; posters were made; desks refurbished; there was a trip to the dam where water and wetlands were discussed; the grade 7s walked to Mackie’s pit where our water comes from; stationery was upcycled; water filters made and a few even danced a happy holiday dance! We wish all our staff and learners a happy, restful holiday and please remember to save water wherever you can.


The grade 10 Geography learners investigated the factors affecting climate change and global warming this term. Raising awareness of these issues with our learners is the first step towards trying to make a difference.




In Geography this term the Grade 11s explored “Drought and Desertification”. The learners applied their knowledge of these environmental issues to: identify places in Africa that are at risk for drought and desertification, discover the causes of it, and discuss management strategies to contain or rectify it.



Healthy Living

The Grade 6 learners are busy studying Healthy Eating as part of theit Natural Science syllabus. They are currently completing a practical task based on the nutritional information given on food packaging. It’s never to early to learn about the benefits of eating healthily and making conscious decisions about what we put into our bodies.