We’re a family here at UHS – our family is not as big as other school families but size doesn’t bother us too much because we know the word formidable suits us well! Diversity is another word which suits us well – we come from different places but when we’re together we are the Union family – Pikkies and prefects, hostel pots and day pots. Yes, it’s true sometimes we squabble and run into trouble, sometimes we let the side down but we’re grateful to those who help us right again. We enjoy being together in both the classrooms and on the sportsfields. We’re proud of being a part of UHS. We’ve got fine teachers (well they’re called educators now) and although we don’t always express it, we really appreciate all the extra miles they go for us.
They discipline us, guide us and believe it or not – even love us. And loving learners is not always easy. But they get it right. We compete as best we can. We win – we lose – we draw and we always keep playing the game in the spirit in which it should be played. We’re proud of all the sportsmen and women who make our school what it is today. Truth is we know there are many waiting in the wings and their day of glory will come.
So here at UHS:
we learn to discern
we dare to share
we receive and we give
we feel happy when we please our peers and educators
We’re proud of the many feathers in our cap. Our rivals turn green with envy and so they should! DREAM GREEN!! We love our school.