CAPS has been introduced in Grades 5 – 12. Learners are exposed to the eight learning areas which lead up to the Further Education and Training Certificate to be issued at the end of grade 12 to successful candidates.

Subjects covered in Grades 5 – 6:

1. English HL
2. Afrikaans FAL
3. Mathematics
4. Life Skills (Life Orientation and Arts & Culture)
5. Natural Sciences & Technology
6. Social Sciences (Geography & History)

Subjects covered Grade 7 – 9:

1. English
2. Afrikaans FAL
3. Mathematics
4. Social Sciences
5. Economic Management Sciences
6. Natural Sciences
7. Technology
8. Life Orientation
9. Creative Arts

Subjects covered Grade 10 – 12:

Compulsory Subjects:

English HL
Afrikaans FAL
Life Orientation

One from each group

Group 1:
Mathematical Literacy

Group 2:
Life Sciences
Travel and Tourism

Group 3:
Music (Approval is subject is to the discretion of the Teacher)

Group 4:
Physical Sciences (Mathematics is compulsory)
Computer Applications Technology
Business Studies


Subject Choice Descriptors