We are very pleased to announce that our 2018 efforts for our eco-schools projects have been favourably received and we’ll be awarded with our Platinum 1 Eco-Scools Award soon. Any parents who would like to be part of our 2019 Eco-Schools Committee please contact Ms Street.
The SAJCC is the largest chess tournament in South Africa and one of the biggest chess events in Africa with approximately 2300 players and 300 coaches and team managers attending from all over the country. It was indeed an honour for these five learners to represent our School and the district at such a prestigious event.
It is with great excitement that we received a brand new set of marimbas! More learners will now be able to play in the marimba band and it will be used to add flavor to our choir performances, in the annual productions and as entertainment at various functions. Auditions for the new band will start shortly.
The formal Music Evening was held at the end of the 3rd term. This was an opportunity to acknowledge all the students’ hard work and dedication throughout the course of the year. All the music students were also able to display their unique talents.
From the start, with a performance by the Union High School Junior Choir, to concluding with a solo by Zintle Maki, accompanied on the piano by Rebecca Langmead, the audience enjoyed an evening filled with ambience and an abundance of talent.
A special thank you goes to our music teachers, Mrs van der Walt, Mrs Brink and Mrs van Rooyen, for all their hard work and dedication in growing the music talent in our school. Thank you also to the Public Relations and Media departments for their help in making this very special evening a tremendous success.
Union had their 3rd Eco-Wise day for the year. Rosemary, Demetri & Jesse from SANParks taught 48 Grade 5s and two educators about plastic. The theme was “Plastic Panic – Plastic Play”. Learning through a variety of ways was fun, interactive & creative.
The grade 6V class visited Vuyani Safe Haven to play with the children and donate some toys and clothes.
Mrs Gerber’s class went to the Camdeboo Daycare Centre. They played games with the children and took them some chocolate muffins.
The Grade 7Rs collected corks, elastic string and old t-shirts and made durable and fun cat and dog toys for the local SPCA.
Various other activities also took place on the school campus. Another active and fun-filled Eco-Wise day for Union High!
Our music learners did their Royal Schools music examination at the Groot Kerk today.
Back: Chloe Shires, Hannah Watermeyer, Barbara McNaughton
Middle: Mrs Brink, Caitrin Spence, Lana Bouwer, Shayna Japhta
Front: Erin Gedult, Caytah-Leigh Koeberg, Sasha Cochrane